A combat veteran and domestic abuse survivor gets a new house – and lease on life
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world,” Margaret Mead said. “Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
A small, but mighty, coalition recently joined forces to make a difference in the life of a woman who survived being a combat veteran and then survived being a victim of domestic abuse.
The story of hope began when a local developer, who wants to remain anonymous, donated a house to Community Link and asked that the house be used for a military veteran.
“In the last year, we implemented a Homeless to Housing service for veterans,” said Randall Hitt, chief advancement officer for Community Link. “And one of our collaborative partners is Charlotte Bridge Home, a well-known group that connects veterans to the help they need.”
With that partnership, we identified a veteran who could use a house. “This veteran – a young woman – was in Iraq for some time, came back, got married and had two kids,” Randall said. “Her spouse became abusive, so she landed at Safe Alliance’s Battered Women’s Shelter.” (Because she is a domestic abuse survivor, we’re keeping her identity private.)
From there, she got connected with Charlotte Bridge Home, which connected her with Community Link – because they knew of the house just waiting for the right veteran.
She moved in the three-bedroom, two-bath house in December and is paying “rent.” But her rent is actually going into an escrow account that will be applied to a down payment which will allow her to buy the house.
“She’s now going through our homeownership program where we educate and counsel her and can connect her with down payment assistance,” Randall says. “With all the down payment assistance connections and the savings she will build from her escrow, she’ll be able to get a great 30-year mortgage with a reasonable monthly cost.”
Her mom lives with her, and she has a service dog – adopted through Charlotte Bridge Home – to help her cope with PTSD.
This success story is a textbook example of how CFSC agencies can transform lives. Each agency does exactly that every day, but the power of our combined resources brings even more expertise to bear for the people who need it most.
“This is exactly the type of outcome that was anticipated when the Children and Family Services Center was created,” said Safe Alliance President & CEO Karen Parker. “The collaboration between agencies helps to break down barriers and support clients as they build better lives for themselves and their families.”
Thanks to a small group of thoughtful, committed people at CFSC agencies – and other nonprofits, as well – the world has gotten a whole lot better for one veteran and survivor.